
CTO as a Service

Hire Part-time/ Virtual CTOs to boost your business and achieve your target goals with minimal

cto as a service

Hire a Part Time CTO

We help non-technical founders get started on their product.

hire a part time cto

Hire Part-time/ Virtual CTOs to boost your business and achieve your target goals with minimal time.

Fractional CTO

As a leading IT Consulting firm, Cabot’s CTO Consulting Service is tailored according to your business priority and helps in bringing technology leadership, strategic guidance and experience focused on protecting and adding value to your business. Fractional CTO services from Cabot Technology Solutions allow you to take advantage of our team's technical expertise and industry-leading knowledge to meet your business needs. Fractional CTOs can provide visionary leadership and strategic planning for your company's future, helping you stay ahead of the curve with the latest advances in technology. With our fractional CTO services, you can affordably scale your company's IT infrastructure and capabilities to keep pace with your growth.

Ensure your business scales with growth and survives investors’ technical due diligence reviews.

Helps you determine whether to outsource development or build an in house team.

Provide expert suggestions on the development platform for your business.

Develop a business plan by estimating costs and timelines for the company’s technology development and deployment.

Our fractional CTOs can measure technology expenses, maintain or adjust budgets, and define ROI baselines.

Establish quality standards for software architectures, coding conventions, documentation requirements, and quality assurance processes at the very beginning of your project.

Hire a part time CTO and spearhead your company’s innovation and technology growth!

How to Hire a CTO for a Startup

Dedicate one of our tech lead/ solution architect with necessary skills as per your requirement

CTO Hiring Ultimate Outcome

  • Oversee the industry market trends and transform the business
  • Business performance growth
  • Reduced operational risks and improved risk mitigation strategy
  • Develop your own leadership & talent development plan
  • Deliver immediate value through experience at a lower cost
  • Keep Investors happy with long-term financial planning

Our Clients

Hire your USA or Canada based
Virtual CTO today!

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